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Call for applications: 5th scientific student conference "Oriental perspective"

The School of Asian studies, HSE, Moscow is pleased to announce the 5th scientific student conference "Oriental perspective", which is scheduled for May 25-26, 2018.

The Conference will focus on a broad range of topics related to the development of Japan, China, the Korean peninsula and the Middle East.

Separate sections on the Middle and Far East are planned. Within the framework of these sections various subject areas will be discussed, including history, culture, politics, economy, international affairs.

The Conference will begin from a round table in English on the topic: "East - West: politics, economy, society" on May 25. On May 26, sections in Russian will be held.


Applications are accepted until April 22, 2018.

The application contains:

1)Information about the author (full name, year of study, faculty/educational program, institution)

2)Contact information (email and telephone number)

3)Title and short summary of the report (not more than 5 00 words)

4) Reference list.

For foreign applicants remote participation via webinar is possible. Applicants considering remote participation should inform the Conference Organizing Committee in advance.

Applications should be submitted to the email address: vostok_conf @ mail.ru (either in Russian or in English).

The Conference Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject applications without giving reasons.

The preliminary program of the Conference and the link for guest registration will be published on the website of the School of Asian Studies not later than May 16, 2018.

The authors of the best reports will receive special certificates and the opportunity to publish their articles in the collection "Oriental Perspective" or other Russian scientific journals.

Conference working languages: Russian, English.

Venue: Higher School of Economics (17 Malaya Ordynka Str., Moscow, Russian Federation)

Date: May 25-26, 2018.


Representative of the Conference Organizing Committee:

Nadezhda Kuchma

Email: n.s.kuchma @ gmail.com