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Social Science & Humanities
In press

Kim H. R.

Prt. 10: Social Science & Humanities. Iss. 7. International Journal of Current Science Research and Review, 2024.

Book chapter
Revolutionary History of Niger: From Independence to 2023 Coup

Korotayev A., Issaev L., Anna I. et al.

In bk.: Terrorism and Political Contention. New Perspectives on North Africa and the Sahel Region. Springer, 2024. P. 169-194.


Daria Galitsa: “A Change is as Good as a Rest, and This is My Life Motto”

Daria Galitsa: “A Change is as Good as a Rest, and This is My Life Motto”
Being a full-time Master student is a big challenge but our students can deal with it easily. Daria Galitsa, a second-year student of the programme “Socioeconomic and political development of modern Asia” talks about her path to HSE University, aspiration for Asian studies and the ability to find balance between studies and hobbies.

The Joint Session of Eurasian Online Seminar and China seminar with Professor David Shambaugh

On Tuesday, December 15, 2020, the Department of International Relations and the International Laboratory on World Order Studies and the New Regionalism in cooperation with the School of Oriental Studies of NRU Higher School of Economics held a joint session of Eurasian Online Seminar and China seminar.

The Session of China Seminar with Yu Pun-hoi

On Friday, 4 December 2020, the Department of International Relations and the School of Oriental Studies of National Research University Higher School of Economics were honored to host a renowned Hong Kong entrepreneur Yu Pun-hoi. The topic of the discussion was “Sino-American Relations in an Era of "Unprecedented Change" and the Prospects for Continued De-Coupling After the New Master Appears in the White House”.

Congratulations to students on winning the conference "Eastern Perspective"

On May 22-23, the VII Scientific Student Conference of the School of Oriental Studies "Eastern Perspective" was held. Students of the educational program "Socio-economic and political development of modern Asia" took part in the round table "East-West: politics, economics, society" in English and won prizes.

The organizing committee of the scientific student conference “Eastern Perspective” extends the deadline for submitting abstracts for participation in the conference

Applications for participation in the conference are accepted in online form until May 20, 2020 inclusive.

Nikita Ganzha: My internship at the Trade Representation of Russia in Cairo

Nikita Ganzha: My internship at the Trade Representation of Russia in Cairo
Nikita Ganzha, student of the Middle East section of the HSE School of Asian Studies, told about his internship at the Trade Representation of Russia in Cairo.

HSE School of Asian Studies Celebrates World Arabic Language Day

HSE School of Asian Studies Celebrates World Arabic Language Day
In honour of the event, the university’s Palmyra Club held an evening of Arabic poetry. The future orientalists read works by their favourite authors, as well as their own translations of the poems. School of Asian Studies graduates, who had won grants to study at a university in Qatar, also shared their recommendations as to who should study Arabic.

I dreamed about this: Elizaveta Muromtseva about student’s international mobility in Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

I dreamed about this: Elizaveta Muromtseva about student’s international mobility in Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Hello everyone! I am a 2nd year graduate student at the programme «Socioeconomic and political development of modern Asia». At the moment of writing this post, I am in the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS). Around a week ago, at the end of November 2019, I celebrated the halfway mark of my study here.

East Wind Is Blowing

East Wind Is Blowing
Daria Komarova found out everything you wanted to know about the HSE Chinese Club.

Ekaterina Kologrivaya: China: Student’s Mobility

Ekaterina Kologrivaya: China: Student’s Mobility
I went to China with no grand expectations and plans.